Travis Lucas

Managing Partner

Travis Lucas is an Attorney & Counselor at Law as well as a Political and Public Policy Advisor. He is the Managing Partner of Lucas | Compton, a public affairs consultancy with offices in Washington, DC, Austin, New York City, and London.

Travis is a professional in the law, a political advisor, a messaging and branding specialist, and an expert in the mechanics of the public policymaking process.

He has been a political campaign manager, a senior congressional and agency aide, an advisor to Members of Congress, presidential cabinet officials, and White House staff, as well as a corporate lawyer, trial attorney, and trial court judge.

Travis is also an amateur research historian as well as a thinker, writer, and public speaker on American political, economic, and social life.

Political, Public Policy & Legal Risk Assessment and Counsel

  • Travis helps government regulated industry foresee Political, Public Policy, and Legal Risks and counsels them on what action to take to defend and expand their marketshare.

Legal Counsel

  • An accomplished jurist, Travis has counseled public and private figures on specific areas of the law and the public policies giving reason to the law. He has provided corporate and government regulatory legal services to a wide array of companies for over twenty years.

Strategic Communications

  • Travis advises companies in Brand Analysis and Adjustment, Core Message Development, Crisis Avoidance and Counsel, and Public Speaking and Presentation Skills.



  • The publishing company Bloomberg Government identified Travis in its Honorable Mention rankings of Washington, DC boutique professionals who have consistently had the highest year-to-year growth with the longest retention of clients over a multi-year period.

Milestone Achievements

  • Politics and Government

    • Advised a national industry leader on the current political environment and congressional examination of a hot topic legislative issue effecting the client’s business. Here, as in many similar instances, Travis shepherded the industry through a mine field of risk, fully cutting down the industry’s exposure to new law being created by Congress that ended up gutting other industry companies.

    • Advised a Blue Chip Top 10 in the Nation professional firm on how to successfully connect with relevant public policymakers on matters effecting the firm’s clients. After delivering many wins to this prominent firm, the firm has retained Travis as its eyes and ears for all things Washington.

    • In 2023, Travis singularly originated the idea to connect the Governor of Texas to British government leaders — and get them talking —which fostered a historic, first ever economic trade deal between the United Kingdom and Texas. On 13 March 2024, the United Kingdom and the State of Texas signed a historic trade agreement in London at 10 Downing Street. (In 2023, the United Kingdom and Texas did a total trade in goods worth $18.2 billion.)

  • Messaging — Branding — Crisis Communications

    • Created and implemented a tailored plan for a prominent client (with little resources other than its name brand): identified realistic goals, developed the right message, and effectively communicated that message to public policymakers within the legislative and executive branches. Result: The client was able to change the law in such a significant way that it created an entire national movement.

    • Counseled one of the nation’s largest companies in their field with respect to a public policy matter that generated substantial media coverage. Result: The client was able to successfully tell their side of the story, thereby mitigating unsustainable damage to their service line, reputation, and brand value.

    • Advised a well-known public figure in making the right decisions involving a defamatory accusation leveled against the client. Result: The client righted the wrong and redeemed their reputation after telling their story. The defaming party was publicly shamed and sustained significant legal damages.

  • At Law

    • While a trial court judge, Travis disposed over 50,000 civil and criminal cases and presided over countless jury and bench trials.

    • As a trial attorney, Travis never lost a jury trial.

    • Travis has amassed a wealth of knowledge in corporate law and regulatory law and has represented clients in these areas for many years.

    • A bar member of the United States Supreme Court, Travis has addressed the Supreme Court justices in open court as well as contributed to a significant amicus curiae brief on behalf of the United States Senate Republican Conference as a designated appointee of the senators.

    • He has been the private attorney for several corporate CEOs and boards of directors as well as White House staff, appointed presidential cabinet officials, and Members of Congress.

Public Speaking & Writing

  • Travis is a frequently invited public speaker on topics involving politics, law, public policy, as well as the history of America, the British Isles, and Western Civilization. He speaks to various professional groups about twice a quarter.

  • He is also an amateur research historian as well as a thinker, writer, and public speaker on American political, economic, and social life.


  • Travis is partnered with Patrick Jephson — the former Private Secretary to Diana, Princess of Wales.

    • Patrick was most recently a consultant to the award-winning Netflix series The Crown.

    • He is a well-known expert in Public Relations, Protocol and Intercultural Communication, Risk Management, and Crisis Management.

Mentorship Program

  • Fourteen years ago, Travis established a mentorship program for young legal and public service professionals.

    • The tailored program helps people understand their life purpose and shape their professional pursuits.


Professional Experience

Travis has worked in positions of responsibility under the leadership of: 

  • James A. Baker — Former U.S. Secretary of State and White House Chief of Staff

  • Kay Bailey Hutchison — Former U.S. Senator

  • John Cornyn — Current U.S. Senator

  • Michael McCaul — Current U.S. Congressman

  • John Carter — Current U.S. Congressman

Travis has held the following public service positions: 

  • Trial Court Judge (Civil & Criminal Jurisdiction)

  • Criminal Prosecutor

  • Assistant Attorney General (Criminal Justice Division)

  • Congressional Chief of Staff

  • Congressional Legal Counsel

  • Presidential Campaign Senior Attorney

  • Appointed Senior Aide to a high-ranking agency official

  • Campaign Manager of two successful Texas statewide races and four successful congressional races.


  • Baylor University School of Law  —  Juris Doctor  —  Trial Law & Advocacy

  • Texas A&M University (The Bush School of Government & Public Service) —  Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude  —  Political Science

  • Columbia Business School  —  Executive Program Certificate  —  Complex Negotiations

Law Licenses & Court Admissions

  • Travis is licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia, State of Texas, and Commonwealth of Virginia.

  • He is also admitted to practice law in the United States Supreme Court, United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and several state and federal trial and appellate courts where he has appeared as counsel of record.